Search Engine Optimization in today's world is a way of increasing a pages visibility of a website in a search engine's unpaid results. Simply put when someone searches for a particular keyword(like tennis shoes) and you have a website(blog, e-commerce site, forum) which talks about that particular keyword then SEO helps in ranking your website at the top spot which drives high traffic to your website. SEO is a very important strategy used in today's time. This helps users find your website among the thousands of websites present. SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience.
Here are some of the SEO strategies we use to get traffic to your website and provide a high conversion rate:
Benefits of using our email marketing services:
On-Page SEO:
We provide on page SEO services which are designed to implement the problems and potential issues that an SEO audit uncovers. On-page SEO addresses a variety of fundamental elements (as they relate to SEO) such as page titles, headings, content and content organization, and internal link structure.
Off-Page SEO:
Use of back links and cross links to help a user reach your site.
SEO content writing:
A website to be a success mainly depends on the content and we can provide high quality and well researched content which makes you stand out. Well written, interesting and useful content is what we promise to deliver.
Initial Review and Analysis:
Petra Digital begins all search engine optimization services with a thorough review and analysis of a client's website to identify potential areas of improvement. This free, initial consultation can help to identify problems with dynamic or duplicate content, Flash and session ID numbers, poor-quality back links and any other factors impacting a site's ranking.
Keyword Research and Analysis:
We help you to find the most appropriate keywords for your sites by doing thorough keyword research to get the best possible traffic to your site.
Daily Reports:
Petra Digital can provide you with monthly reports regarding your website performance reviews regarding the number of users visiting your site, the time they spent there, what they were browsing etc.
Some of the Benefits in choosing us involves:
- Not going above your budget
- Providing a representative for continuous contact
- Experience of working with multiple campaigns in SEO online advertising space
- Having a strong team and successful execution of marketing projects.
- For most businesses today, SEO is the highest ROI marketing effort. So contact us today and we can help make your SEO campaign a great success.